A body lift is most commonly performed for patients who want to improve the shape and tone of their body, especially in the abdominal area, buttocks, thighs, or arms. Excess skin and fat, caused partly by decreased skin elasticity, can develop from weight fluctuations, genetics, increasing age, sun damage, and pregnancy. A body lift may help you achieve better body contour and a firmer appearance.
A body lift will remove the excess, sagging skin, and fat, and internal sutures will help give you a firmer, more toned appearance. Our providers have your safety and comfort at the forefront of their minds. In order to keep you safe and relieve discomfort following surgery, Dr. Harvey or Dr. Bossert may perform some of these surgeries in stages.
Common areas include:
Abdomen, with a possible extension to the lower back. See Tummy Tuck for more details
Buttocks to lift and firm the area
Groin and inner thigh region
Inner and outer thigh
Upper arms (Brachioplasty)
Most people are out of work for 1-2 weeks and are placed on lifting and exercise restrictions for 6 weeks. You will be placed in an abdominal binder or compression garment, and you will most likely have a very simple drain in place for approximately 3-7 days. A compression garment will need to be worn for 5-6 weeks after the drain is removed.