An excess of wrinkles in the forehead and a sagging brow can make some people self-conscious about their appearance. Aging, sun exposure, heredity, and common facial expressions can cause these wrinkles and even some sagging of the brow to occur. If your wrinkles are not going away from non-surgical procedures like Botox, a brow lift may be right for you.
This procedure raises the brows in order to remove the appearance of forehead wrinkles and frown lines. Incisions are made at the central hairline and/or the lateral hairline, right above the ear. Excess skin will be removed, and muscles may be tightened. It is commonly done in conjunction with upper eyelid surgery for optimal results, thus improving the overall appearance of the forehead and the upper eye area. Your doctor will determine the procedure best for you based on your desires and expected outcomes.
Like with any facial procedure, bruising is common after surgery. A brow lift is not painful; therefore, swelling and bruising are what determine your “downtime” for approximately 7-10 days. Charleston Plastic Surgery will provide you with complimentary products to prevent and cover up bruising after surgery, as well as the best post-operative products to promote healthy, uncomplicated healing.