Office Address

2295 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Charleston, SC 29414

Phone Number

(843) 722-1985

Charleston Plastic Surgery

Office Address

2295 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Charleston, SC 29414

Phone Number

(843) 722-1985


Although a facelift/neck lift surgery, also called rhytidectomy, is one of the most commonly performed procedures in facial plastic surgery, our doctors understand that a facelift can be a very intimidating procedure to consider. However, Dr. Harvey and Dr. Bossert are both experts at providing patients with the natural and rejuvenated look they desire.

Wrinkles and sagging skin around the face and neck can be discouraging for most people. If you have been dissatisfied with the use of non-surgical fillers, Botox, lasers, or chemical peels, then a facelift may be appropriate for you.

Common causes of wrinkles and sagging skin are increasing age, heredity, sun damage, and smoking. As we age, the skin and soft tissues of the face lose volume and loosen, causing wrinkles, redundant skin, jowl formation, sagging skin under the chin, and vertical folds along the front of the neck. Forehead lines and crows feet around the eyes may also appear and deepen over time.

There are multiple ways to achieve a more youthful appearance. With your desires and expected outcomes in mind, your doctor will determine which type of facelift is best for you. Using a cosmetic incision, the doctor will surgically remove excess skin and fat from the face. Incisions are hidden by the hairline and parts of the outer ear. If recommended, muscle tightening and liposuction may also be performed.

It is expected to have bruising following a facial procedure. This bruising usually subsides after 10-14 days. It is best to stay out of work for 1 week and not commit to major social engagements for 2-3 weeks. The procedure is not painful. Only your bruising and swelling may prevent you from returning to your normal activities. The doctor will provide you with complimentary products to help prevent and cover up the discoloration from bruising.