Office Address

2295 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Charleston, SC 29414

Phone Number

(843) 722-1985

Charleston Plastic Surgery

Office Address

2295 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Charleston, SC 29414

Phone Number

(843) 722-1985

Male Breast Reduction

The fullness of male breast tissue, caused by weight fluctuation or heredity, can be very mentally and physically discomforting to men. Our doctors can help you regain your confidence with a male breast reduction, also known as a Gynecomastia Surgery.

Our surgeons will evaluate you to determine which type of gynecomastia procedure is best for you. The two most common options are utilizing small incisions to remove excess skin and tissue or performing liposuction to remove excess fat deposits.

Recovery from this procedure is typically uncomplicated. You will be in a compression-like garment for 6 weeks, and you will be restricted from high-impact exercises, like running for 6 weeks. You will also need to refrain from most upper body weight training exercises. Most patients return to work in 1-2 weeks, depending on their typical daily activities.