Office Address

2295 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Charleston, SC 29414

Phone Number

(843) 722-1985

Charleston Plastic Surgery

Office Address

2295 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Charleston, SC 29414

Phone Number

(843) 722-1985

Ear Surgery – Otoplasty

Otoplasty, sometimes called “ear pinning” surgery, is most commonly performed for protruding or prominent ears. In addition to its cosmetic benefits, the procedure can give a real emotional boost to a patient troubled by prominent ears. For children, this procedure is typically performed once the ears have reached full size, usually around 5 years of age or prior to starting school if that is a concern.

Surprisingly, this is a very easy procedure that is not painful to most patients; however, bruising and swelling are common after these procedures. It is best to stay out of work or school for one week with no significant social engagements for 2-3 weeks.